absentee participation 意味

  • 欠席参加者{けっせき さんかしゃ}


        absentee:    absentee 欠席者 けっせきしゃ 欠勤者 けっきんしゃ
        participation:     participation n. 参加, 関与. 【動詞+】 In 1966 the Senate approved an amendment allowing voluntary participation in prayer in public schools. 1966 年上院は公立学校における祈祷(きとう)への任意的参加を認める修正箇条を可決した He enco
        participation in:    ~に参加すること
        with the participation of:    ~を集めて、~が参加{さんか}して
        absentee ballot:    absentee ballot 不在者投票 ふざいしゃとうひょう
        absentee balloting:    {名} :
        absentee dad:    不在{ふざい}の父親{ちちおや}
        absentee director:    非常勤重役{ひじょうきん じゅうやく}、不在重役{ふざい じゅうやく}
        absentee farmer:    不在地主{ふざい じぬし}
        absentee interview:    欠勤者面接[面談{めんだん}]調査{ちょうさ}
        absentee landlord:    absentee landlord 不在地主 ふざいじぬし
        absentee landowner:    不在地主{ふざい じぬし}
        absentee management:    不在経営
        absentee manager:    不在経営者{ふざい けいえいしゃ}
        absentee mother:    家にいない母親{ははおや}、働きに出ている母親{ははおや} Emily's mother was an absentee mother, who left her when she was a child.


  1. "absentee manager" 意味
  2. "absentee mother" 意味
  3. "absentee owner" 意味
  4. "absentee ownership" 意味
  5. "absentee parents" 意味
  6. "absentee rate" 意味
  7. "absentee vote" 意味
  8. "absentee voter" 意味
  9. "absentee votes" 意味
  10. "absentee ownership" 意味
  11. "absentee parents" 意味
  12. "absentee rate" 意味
  13. "absentee vote" 意味

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